My Family

My Family

Monday 11 June 2012

It's been too long!

So I just looked, and I haven't blogged in over a year. What the heck!! I'm on the computer a lot, and don't take time to write about the family or whats going on in my life? Fail!!! I'm going to start again and it should help me organize my thoughts and what has been happening lately. So what major events have happened since I left off? Well V was working from home (which was awesome and frustrating) I loved having him home and he was able to help me with parenting and watch how amazing our children are, and how fast they grow. Then we headed off to Brazil for a month for Christmas. It was amazing and I was finally able to enjoy since last time I was pregnant with Sophia and sick every day. But I vowed that this trip we were going to enjoy as much as we could, and boy did we ever! I loved watching the kids interact with their foreign family and see how loved they are by them. They are so lucky to have such wonderful family in Brazil. We played at the beach, pool, and outside in the warmth. They were picking up the language quickly(so was I), but we had to come home... darn. After Brazil V and I decided that the days of being at work-at-home dad needed to come to an end if we were to look into getting a bigger house and get out of this city life we're stuck in. I love the city, and how nice it is to have everything within walking distance, but I hate living in an apartment and we want a big, big backyard and lots of space for a large family. Not going to happen in the city. So Vitor is back in engineering(and still doing the evening work-at-home dad) and getting all our finances in order to make the move and get a bigger place. Just this past week we've had an excellent opportunity to ponder and do some goal planning. instead of writing them on paper and sticking it on a shelf, or on the fridge, V bought some presentation paper and we wrote our goals on them and posted them on our bedroom wall. It's a great way for us to wake up and go to bed... being constantly reminded of our goals and what we did in the day to get closer to accomplish those goals. Every day we're getting a little bit closer! So this is a glimpse of what has happened in the past year. More blogging to come. Promise!

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