My Family

My Family

Monday 9 May 2011

Getting serious about potty training

So I've been thinking about a few things that i'd like to change in our household. Sophia is 2 1/2 and she's been going to the bathroom on the potty since she was a year old (yup thats right) but she's still not fully potty trained. I get so frustrated because I wasn't sure what I was doing to delay her potty training. Then last night I realized that it's because I go from putting her in a diaper to putting her in training pants(ANOTHER ABSORBENT DIAPER) so no wonder it's not working. She can go in the pull ups and they'll absorb her pee. Well I went out and bought regular panties and starting today we're officially potty training without pull ups. She's only had 2 accidents and right after it happens she freaks out and says she's peed. Yeah it's a little messy, but I'd rather deal with the mess for 2 weeks then have her 3 or 4 years old and still in diapers during the day.

Another thing I've wanted to change is that Sophia picks her nose like CRAZY! It's bleeding because she can't keep those little fingers outta her nose. So Again one night before bed I was lying there and thinking that there must be a better way other than sounding like a broken record, "Sophia get your fingers out of your nose" So I thought of putting band-aids on her index fingers. The band-aids stopped her from getting her finger in there as well as reminding her why I put them on. She would walk around the house and say "Look daddy. Band-aids cause I pick my nose" So she hasn't picked her nose in a day. (Which for some people isn't a big deal, but it's big for use because it means it's one day that her little nose can heal)

Celebrate the little steps in life!

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